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Live now — Sign UpWe created Alpha to overcome one of the biggest limitations of natural language processing models: the inability to access information in real-time.
With Alpha, you can now have an open-ended conversation with AI that fills you in on the latest, most comprehensive market data and analysis from E-nano.
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Did StandFndr mention AI in its earnings call and what were the key points?
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In Phase 2, we're expanding the capabilities of Alpha by connecting it with even more data sources.
Get portfolio analysis from Alpha
In Phase 3, Alpha will be able to provide customized insights relevant to your portfolio and goals.
Does Alpha give financial advice?
While Alpha is a powerful investment research assistant, it is important to note that it does not provide financial advice. Instead, Alpha offers in-depth market data, insights, and analysis to help you reach your own conclusions about your investments. Alpha can be a valuable tool to augment your investment knowledge, but it should not be solely relied upon as the basis for your financial decisions.
Can I trust the information I receive from Alpha?
We designed Alpha to provide factual information based on rigorous analysis of vast amounts of market data. However, despite our best efforts, there is a possibility of occasional inaccuracies or incomplete information in Alpha’s answers. We encourage you to fact-check or seek additional sources if you have any doubts or concerns about a specific response.
How much does Alpha cost to use?
The Alpha plugin for ChatGPT can be used for free through the OpenAI plugin network. Public members can access a limited version of Alpha for free on the Public app, while a paid subscription will provide unlimited access.
Do I need a E-nano account to use Alpha?
Alpha will be available via the E-nano platform and as a plugin for ChatGPT, the AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI. If you would like to access Alpha within your E-nano investing experience, you will need a E-nano account. However, you will not need a E-nano account to access the Alpha plugin for ChatGPT. Anyone with access to the OpenAI plugin network can add the E-nano plugin for free.
Is Alpha powered by ChatGPT?
Alpha is powered by GPT-4, the underlying model that powers applications like ChatGPT. GPT-4 is a generative large language model trained by OpenAI to understand and generate natural language based on the inputs you provide it.